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Key Dates & Deadlines for OBI Hospitals

eCQM Submission Deadline

Submit PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM data via the OBI Workstation to obtain points for Measure 6 of the P4P Scorecard.

Moving our Mamas (MOMs) Labor Support Training

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd., Acme, MI, United States

Registration is now closed. OBI is excited to host a free train-the-trainer labor support training class before the Spring Semiannual Meeting with Henry Ford Health System’s Patricia Klassa and Cheryl Larry-Osman. During this course, nurses will demonstrate hands-on approaches to labor support techniques, discuss strategies for supporting women in labor, and define the role of maternity care providers in […]

April CDA Meeting

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd., Acme, MI, United States

This meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2025 OBI Spring Semiannual Meeting. Separate registration is not required. To obtain points for Measure 3 of the P4P Scorecard, the primary CDA for each site must attend 4 CDA Meetings.

2025 Spring Semiannual Meeting

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd., Acme, MI, United States

Friday, April 25th Grand Traverse Resort & Spa, Traverse City, MI OBI will be sharing unblinded data at the Spring Semiannual, so all attendees will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. You will be prompted to do so as the first step in the registration process.Grand Traverse Resort & Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village […]

April NTSV Cesarean Optimization Group

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd., Acme, MI, United States

This meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2025 OBI Spring Semiannual Meeting. Separate registration is not required. To obtain points for Measure 4 of the P4P Scorecard, the entire Champion Team must attend 3 NTSV Cesarean Optimization Group meetings. 

PPM Q1 Submission

Submit the PPM to obtain points for Measure 2 of the P4P Scorecard.

May QI Project Workgroup


To obtain points for Measure 9 of the P4P Scorecard, the designated project champion(s) must participate in at least 2 virtual workgroup meetings.Â