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Key Dates & Deadlines for OBI Hospitals

February QI Project Workgroup


This meeting will be for the Induction of Labor Guidance workgroup only. To obtain points for Measure 9 of the P4P Scorecard, the designated project champion(s) must participate in at least 2 virtual workgroup meetings. 

Webinar: OBI & Labor Management for the Practicing Clinician


Presenters: Jourdie Triebwasser, MD, MS, & Lisa Kane Low, PhD, CNM This webinar will focus on the use of strategies to avoid dystocia and the accurate use of updated Labor Dystocia criteria outlined in the ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 8 First and Second Stage Labor Management. We will identify some specific changes focusing on latent […]

March NTSV Cesarean Optimization Group


To obtain points for Measure 4 of the P4P Scorecard, the entire Champion Team must attend 3 NTSV Cesarean Optimization Group meetings. 

March CDA Meeting


To obtain points for Measure 3 of the P4P Scorecard, the primary CDA for each site must attend 4 CDA Meetings. 

Case Review Q1 Submission

Submit the 2025 Case Review Submission Form via the 2025 P4P Submission Form to obtain points for Measure 5 of the P4P Scorecard.

eCQM Submission Deadline

Submit PC-07 Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM data via the OBI Workstation to obtain points for Measure 6 of the P4P Scorecard.